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BV Laytime Calculator

Learn more about the foundation of our demurrage platform: B&V's Fast, Flexible, and Accurate Laytime Calculator.

Laytime calc

The Gold Standard of Laytime Calculation

The BV Laytime Calculator has been proven over 40 years and 2+ million voyages across every type of cargo. No other calculator in the industry compares.

The BV platform enables the calculation of complex laytime and demurrage claims with speed and accuracy to handle high-pressure situations for voyage charters and trade execution.

Our systems are supported by an expert team with deep knowledge and know-how of the maritime domain. That expertise has created a system that supports Dry Bulk and Oil and Gas demurrage for single or multiple load/discharge ports, storage trades, and parceling cargoes.
laytimecalc 2. calc output



BV's intuitive user interface requires no training and allows even the most complex calculation to be done in a matter of minutes or seconds.


Voyages with multiple load and discharge ports, multiple cargoes, pro-rata parcels, and detention.
B&V handles it all. 


In 40 years, BV has calculated demurrage for:

40+ commodities
100+ countries
1,000+ customers
2 million+ voyages

BV's Laytime Calculator is the Foundation of the
Demurrage Copilot Platform